Sicilian Defense | Dragon Variation

Dragon Variation

The Dragon Variation is one the sharpest and aggressive variation of the Sicilian Defense which was originated by German Master Louis Paulsen around 1880 and received popularity around 1900 by Chess Masters. The Dragon variation was named after Constellation Draco by Russian Chess Master Fyodor Duschotimirsky.
This Sicilian Defense family of variations begin with the moves:

1. e4       c5
2. Nf3     d6
3. d4       cxd4
4. Nxd4  Nf6
5. Nc3     g6

In the Dragon variation the dark squares is very essential for both sides as they have to avoid an exchange of their dark squared Bishop with any other pieces on board.


This line of opening gives rise to what is known as the Sicilian Defense (most common present day opening). The main reason for this move is its combative nature where Black not only battle for equality but also for possession advantage. The opening line discourage White from occupying the centre.


This is a classical system of the Sicilian move that is equally a good alternative to 2...Nc6. White must watch out for ...d5 if Black decide not to play d6. The move permit Black Bishop to have an open long diagonal on g7 and likewise prevent e5 by restricting the e4 pawn advancement. This makes the f6 square safe for Black's knight development.


Here the pawn exchange for Black has left Black with central pawn and thereby facilitating white's quick development. This form the basis of future strategy for both sides.


Black Knight attack on e4 pawn forces white to commit to its protection.


This is the characteristic of the move for Black in the Sicilian-Dragon variation opening. The variation gives rise to what is known as fianchetto maneuvering of Black Bishop at g7. This one of the most exciting lines of the Sicilian which can decimate your opponent if the main line was not follow properly. The best way for white to counter the dragon variation is to castle towards the Queen's side and lunch a direct attack against Black's King after the g6 line.


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